Painless Wisdom Teeth Removal in Five Dock: Your Complete Guide to a Smooth Dental Experience

wisdom teeth removal

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause discomfort, damage to adjacent teeth, and other dental issues, and in such cases are typically removed. At Dentistry of Five Dock, we do all in our power to keep our patients healthy and their natural teeth intact. However, extraction is sometimes the greatest treatment alternative available to avoid more serious health consequences. We use a local anaesthetic to ensure that patients are not in discomfort throughout tooth extraction treatments. 

Here you will get a comprehensive guide to painless wisdom removal in Five Dock.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are situated in the rear of your mouth and are the last set of teeth to be erupted usually in the late teen years. There is no need to be concerned when they grow normally, but in most situations, they produce a slew of issues that result in pain and discomfort.  Sometimes they don’t erupt completely, sometimes they do, and when they do erupt, they may not fully erupt or be in the correct place, which can lead to gum infection, gum swelling, and tooth decay in the tooth itself or teeth around it. 

Some of the most common reasons for removing wisdom teeth include when the tooth fails to completely emerge into the mouth and if the jaw is too narrow to accommodate further teeth. 

Signs and Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Problems

Wisdom teeth that have been impacted do not always cause symptoms. However, people might notice some of these symptoms or signs if it gets infected, destroys other teeth, or creates additional dental issues. 

  • Pain in the jaw in the back of your mouth that goes to your forehead or neck is one of these.
  • Poor breath
  • A foul taste in your mouth, 
  • Swollen, painful, or bleeding gums in the rear of your mouth 
  • Having trouble opening your mouth

These are some of the symptoms you may experience if you have wisdom teeth problems. These, however, can be prevented if the problem is discovered early or even before it develops, which is feasible with routine dental check-ups.

Importance of Pain-Free Wisdom Teeth Removal

Opposite to generally held beliefs, here at Five Dock we carry out wisdom teeth removal in a fully painless procedure that significantly reduces the pain that results from an impacted tooth in the initial place. A local anaesthetic is used to numb the area in your mouth, including the teeth, gums, and surrounding tissue. This implies that as a patient, you will not experience any discomfort during the extraction surgery or for a period of time afterwards. 

The Wisdom Teeth Removal Process

  • At the Five Dock, the procedure begins with an examination and x-rays to determine whether or not you require an extraction. If you do then X-ray imaging, might assist in figuring out how to approach extraction to make it easier and less time consuming.
  • Then, generally at the rear of your mouth, your dentist will inject local anaesthesia. Following this, your jaw, tongue, and soft tissues on the respective side become numb. 
  • After ensuring that you are numb and will not feel anything, your dentist will begin the surgery by loosening your tooth in bone and extracting it using a tool. In rare circumstances, he may need to cut a small bone, which will be painless for you. 
  • After that, you will be given stitches in that area for wound closure followed by a gauze pack to control bleeding.

Types of Anesthesia and Sedation

Your dentist may discuss several anaesthetic alternatives with you. Local anaesthesia, general anaesthesia, and conscious sedation are examples of these. You should always discuss these options with your dentist to choose a more suitable one for you.  

At Five Dock wisdom teeth extraction is often done under local anaesthesia. 

In some cases patients wish to remove all four wisdoms in a single appointment, in such cases, sedation is done. Sedation is achieved by administering a sedative through a vein to calm the patient. The sedative acts swiftly and changes the patient’s level of awareness. They will likely have little or no recollection of the procedure.

If you have dental anxiety and it cannot be dealt with distraction and other ways general anaesthesia may be helpful. General anaesthesia is rarely used in Five Dock to remove wisdom teeth. 

Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal

  1. Discuss your medical and medication history with your dentist. It is increasingly necessary to inform if you have a heart condition, diabetes, high blood pressure, pregnancy, liver disease, bacterial endocarditis, prosthetic joint replacement or you are taking any blood thinners. 
  2. Discuss the process including anaesthesia. It is highly recommended to inform your dentist if you have anxiety.
  3. Arrange transport for returning especially if you are opting for sedation or general anaesthesia.
  4. Make sure you are well fed. 

Post-Operative Care and Recovery

  1. Remove the gauze pack placed by your dentist after 30 minutes and eat ice cream to soothe the site and control bleeding. 
  2. Do not spit, consume any drinks with a straw, or smoke cigarettes for the first 24 hours.
  3. Do not touch the site with your tongue. 
  4. Avoid exercising for 24 hours. 
  5. Avoid taking hot foods, and consume a soft diet for the first two days. 
  6. After the first 24 hours, you can resume your oral hygiene measure like brushing and flossing
  7. Try to sleep by placing your head on an elevated surface. 

This post operative care is necessary to follow to promote smooth healing and minimise discomfort. It is important to attend your follow up appointments to ensure your wound is healing smoothly.

Your Common Concerns and FAQs

What is the recovery time for wisdom tooth extraction? 

For straightforward extractions Swelling, pain, and discomfort are common side effects, and the usual recovery period is around 3 days (but it may be longer). After surgical removal, your mouth may require two weeks to recover entirely.

What is the cost of the treatment?

Every instance is unique since treatment is determined by the position and complexity of each case. Please contact the receptionist for additional information on wisdom teeth charges. Your cost might be covered by Bupa dental coverage. 

Does it hurt after the extraction?

Yes, it does and your dentist will prescribe you painkillers after your procedure.

Are there any complications?

Although rare, complications can occur. These include persistent pain due to dry sockets, infection in rarehe extraction sites, and damage to the jaw or nerve in the area.

Choosing the Right Dental Professional

Always make an informed decision to guarantee a painless and comfortable operation. Make an appointment with a dentist who has the necessary qualifications, years of experience, and advanced technology in the workplace. Before making an appointment, look for both favourable and bad reviews online. 

Another key consideration is that your dentist should always explain the entire process to you and provide you with alternatives rather than making the decision for you. This allows you to make an educated decision and makes you feel more at ease, minimising dental treatment anxiety. 


Although you cannot prevent an impaction, having regular six-month dental appointments for cleaning and exams allows your dentist to keep track of the development and appearance of your wisdom teeth. Regular dental X-rays can detect impacted wisdom teeth earlier than signs appear.

When it comes to wisdom teeth extraction, our dentists at Five Dock have years of experience. This means they are all too familiar with how to do this widely utilised treatment with as little stress and anguish as possible. 

We invite you to Five Dock to meet our experienced team and get your free consultation and share your experience and questions regarding the process. 

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